The scientific evidence…

Previous studies suggest that sleep quality improves when sleeping on or under wool. This appears to be related to wool´s unique temperature and moisture management properties, and texture.

You can read about these studies below.

1. The use of a fleecy wool underlay enabled sleepers to be more “settled” and improved their own assessment of sleep quality.

2. Sleepers preferred wool blankets (when compared with cotton/acrylic blends) for their temperature regulation properties.

3. Wool sheepskin underlay was shown to be better at diffusing pressure points when compared with cotton sheets.

4. The use of wool-on sheepskin as underlay more than halved the incidence of lower back pressure ulcers.

5. The rate of weight gain in underweight newborns was 61% higher when sleeping on a wool underlaycompared to a cotton sheet.

6. Jaundiced newborns sleeping on wool were more settled when sleeping compared to those on cotton sheet – around 30% of babies on wool cried compared with 67% on cotton.

7. The incidence of allergies to wool are described in the scientific literature as “uncommon” or “rare”.

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